Mussar Study Groups
Jerry and Denny Davidoff Sermon Contest
- 2023 – The Rev. Charlotte Arsenault, for her sermon “Tale as Old as Time”
Mr. Daniel Neuspiel, for his sermon “Responding to Antisemitism” – Honorable Mention
Keeping the Faith: Instances of Intersection Between Jewish Women and the Hellenistic World by the Rev. Elizabeth A. Lerner
Rosh Hashanah
Our Desert Faith Tradition Rev.Ruth Rinehart
Homily for Rosh Hashanah 2012 Rev. Marti Keller
We Begin Again, in Love Rev. Barabara Wells
A New Year… and a New Chapter by Rabbi Howard A. Berman
We Begin Again, in Love Rev. Barabara Wells
A New Year… and a New Chapter by Rabbi Howard A. Berman
Yom Kippur
To Challenge International Horror With Domestic Hope Dana Snyder-Grant
Atonement – Making Things Right Rev. Paul Oakley
What Does Hannukah Hold for Adults? Rev. Elizabeth A. Lerner
Hannukah – What Does It Hold for Adults, part II Rev. Elizabeth A. Lerner
By a Different Light Rev. Lynn Ungar
Hannukah – What Does It Hold for Adults, part II Rev. Elizabeth A. Lerner
By a Different Light Rev. Lynn Ungar
Dayenu ( a Passover homily) Rev. Marti Keller
Daiyenu: What is Sufficient? A Jewish UU’s Struggle with Passover Lori Rottenberg and Rev. Lynn Thomas Strauss
Daiyenu: What is Sufficient? A Jewish UU’s Struggle with Passover Lori Rottenberg and Rev. Lynn Thomas Strauss
The Fall Holidays a reflection by Irene Glasser
Glasses and Plates a reflection by Lori Rottenberg
The Shamash Is the Tall One,Lori Rottenberg
Chanukkah,Rev. Lynn Ungar
Passover, Rev. Lynn Ungar
Blessing the Candles, Rev. Lynn Ungar
Blessing the Wine, Rev. Lynn Ungar
Blessing the Bread, Rev. Lynn Ungar
Blessing the Wine, Rev. Lynn Ungar
Blessing the Bread, Rev. Lynn Ungar
United Unitarian Congregation of Whidbey Island Haggadot, Rev.Rick Weiss
L’Chaim Haggadah, Rev. Julie-Ann Silberman-Bunn
Economic Justice Haggadah by Rabbis for Human Rights
A Humanist Haggadah For Passover by Machar Congregation
Love and Justice in Times of War Haggadah by Dara Silverman and Micah Bazant
A Passover Haggadah by Robert Parnes
Passover Haggadah Toolkit, version 01 by Pam Wax, Jeff Brody, Susan Freeman , and Ari Da Vidow
Passover Home Celebration by The Congregation Emanu-el San Francisco
Avadim Chayanu: A Seder for the leather community by Karen Taylor and Laura Antoniou
Oranges and Olives: A Modern Interfaith Family Passover Haggadah (pdf only) by Nancy Cronk
Haggadah for a Unitarian Universalist Seder by Rev. Dave Weissbard
Easter and Passover, Once Upon a Time by Rev. Elizabeth A. Lerner
Passover Sunday Morning Order of Service by Rev. Elizabeth A. Lerner
On Being a Jew-U by Rev, Elizabeth A. Lerner
Does Church Mean Christian? by Arthur Thexton
Are Jew a UU by Jay Wolin
Does Church Mean Christian? by Arthur Thexton
Are Jew a UU by Jay Wolin
The Problem with Absolutist Religion by Rev. Elizabeth A. Lerner
Speaking Truth to Power by Jay Wolin
Summary of Maccabees by Rev. Elizabeth A. Lerner
Job – Speaking Truth to Power by Jay Wolin
Leviticus 11.2-4 – Why? by Jay Wolin
Spinoza – The First Jedi Knight? by Jay Wolin
The Akedah – The Maze of its Meaning by Jay Wolin
Liturgical Resources